The Khadi-The Future of Indian textile Industry || Tindit India ||
Khadi-When we hear this word, we start imagining Mahatma Gandhi and his Charkha. Khadi is the term used for fabrics that are hand-spun and hand woven, usually from Cotton Fibre.
History of Khadi
Do you know that hand Spinning and hand weaving have been around for thousands of years, which make the Khadi ancient.There have been other mentions of this Indian fabric in history.The father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi saw it’s potential as a tool which represents as,relient,independent and providing employment to the villagers.
The All India Spinners Association was founded For production of Khadi in 1925.This fact is enough to tell that we Indians have about 90+ years of experience in making Khadi.
Why we should use Khadi?
We should use Khadi due to various reasons. It has a great ability to keep the body cool during summer and keep the body hot during winter. The Khadi has Zero Carbon Footprint, Which makes it environmental friendly. Also, the Technique of Spin wheeling has been passing from generations to generations, that keeping it alive in India.
The Production of Khadi will also help in providing employment in India, this will help in raising the economy of India. Do you know that Khadi production will also provide work to rural artisans of India, of whom, 70% are women, thus giving them opportunities.
Fun Fact: Do you know that India celebrates khadi day on September 19.
Here is another fact; the khadi is the only material that is allowed to be used for Indian Flying Flag. It is an offence to made Flying flag with other material and is punishable by law with imprisonment up to 3 years +Fine.
Written by Desh Deepak
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